Migrate from Xero

This is a comprehensive guide to import an entire payroll creating a company and workers. This is a fully automated process with manual steps only required where data is unavailable.

Process Overview

blockdiag Collect files Import files Upload missing items Parallel run auto com pare

Automated migration process

Collect the required files

The following steps are performed in your existing software to collect the required files:

GB Xero Payroll input file specification






HMRC RTI Full Payment Submission

Employee Contact Details

.csv, .ods, .xls, .xlsx

Employee details

Pension Contribution Report

.csv, .ods, .xls, .xlsx

NI number

Payment History

.csv, .ods, .xls, .xlsx

Actual payments for the pay schedule to be selected

Full Payment Submission (FPS) XML

Download the RTI FPS XML submission file for the pay run you wish to import:

  • Payroll ‣ RTI Filings

  • Select the Pay period (pay run) you wish to import

  • click Download Submission XML

You should have a newly created file named something like FPS_1-31 Oct (Monthly Schedule)_submission.xml


The FPS must contain all workers, including zero-paid. However, Xero FPS files exclude zero-paid employees. If you always pay all employees, then your FPS will include everyone. If you have any zero-paid employees, to ensure that they appear in the submitted FPS, pay any unpaid employees:
  • 1p payment not subject to tax or NICs (Item 58A NonTaxOrNICPmt) offset by a

  • 1p deduction from net pay(Item 58B DednsFromNetPay)

Single Employee CSV

Xero will only download a single employee CSV file. Follow the steps below to easily create a file with all employees:

  • In Xero Payroll ‣ Employees and select the Current tab

  • Click the download icon at the end of the row to download a single employee CSV

  • Repeat for each employee - when complete, you will have a one file per employee in your Downloads folder, each called name-EmployeeInformation.csv

  • Open the Downloads folder and select all the CSV files, then copy all files to a new folder called Employees

  • Open Excel on a Windows PC [Excel on MacOS does not have this functionality] and create a new blank workbook

  • On the Data tab Get Data ‣ From File ‣ From Folder select the Employees folder and click Open

  • Use the pulldown on the Combine button to select Combine & Load and click OK

  • Save the file as Employees.xlsx

  • Save the file in CSV format by selecting CSV UTF-8 (Comma delimited)(*.csv)

You will have a file called Employees.csv which includes all employees.

Other reports

The next 3 reports will be found in Accounting ‣ Reports and then navigating to the Payroll section.

Download a Payroll Activity Details report:

  • Click Payroll Activity Details

  • Select all employees and Select a Date Range that covers 2 years. If you do not have 2 years, then select the longest possible date range

  • Click Update

  • Click Export –> Excel

  • Save [not open] the file and click`OK’

  • You should have a newly created file PayrollActivityDetails.xlsx in your Downloads folder

Next you will need to download an Employee Contact Details Report:

  • Click Employee Contact Details

  • Select All for Employees and Employment Status

  • Click Update

  • Just below the ‘Update’ button there is a narrow pull-down with 2 boxes (one solid and one dashed) where will need to select Telephone. Ensure all the options are ticked including Employee Employee Group Address Telephone and Email

  • Click Export –> Excel

  • Save [not open] the file and click OK

  • You should have a newly created file EmployeeContactDetails.xlsx in your Downloads folder

Finally you will need to download a Pension Contribution Report:

  • Click More reports then Pension Contribution Report

  • Select All for Employees

  • Select a Date Range that covers 2 years. If you do not have 2 years, then select the longest possible date range

  • Click Update

  • Just below the :guilabel:’Update’ button there is a narrow pull-down with 2 boxes (one solid and one dashed) where will need to ensure all options are ticked (which is normally the case)

  • Click Export –> Excel

  • Save [not open] the file and click OK

  • You should have a newly created file Pension.xlsx in your Downloads folder

Other files

Whilst not required for the import process, we suggest you also collect/ locate these other files to verify and complete the import. These would include all frequencies to be imported (e.g. weekly and monthly):

  • Payslip PDFs (standard employee payslips) ideally in a single file which can be quickly searched using Find Ctrl + F on a PC or Command + F on a Mac

  • Pension CSV files for member enrolment and member contributions (the files uploaded to the pension provider after each payroll)

  • Bank Payment files (BACS or Faster Payments file)

  • Previous Pay and Previous Tax for any mid year starters - ideally a spreadsheet

The following will be required after import to verify pension auto-enrolment. These are generally available from the pension providers portal:

  • Pension auto-enrolment dates for all enrolled employees plus contribution percentages

  • Pension opt-out dates for any employees who have opted-out of auto-enrolment

  • Postponed or deferred employee dates

Finally collect any statutory information to enter:

  • SMP SSP SPBP for any active Statutory absences.

  • Attachment orders for any required attachment of earnings orders.

Import the files

Click the Import button and select Start .

If the import files include multiple pay schedule frequencies (e.g. weekly and monthly) dates, then you will need to import each frequency separately.

On the first wizard screen:

  1. Leave Company blank as you will be creating a new company called Test company which can be renamed later.

  2. Click each Choose file to select each file.

  3. Click Upload files.

On the second wizard screen:

  1. It is possible to use the content of the Worker Details file to filter out all but the matching subset of FPS entries.

  2. The Found tax reference can be used to check you are importing the intended company.

  3. Mode should be set to the default Create “Test company” for the first import to create a new company. For the 2nd or subsequent import select Merge workers with “Test company” to merge a new import into an existing company.


    If you select Delete then re-create “Test company” you will lose any changes made.

  4. If you only have one pay schedule frequency, Select pay schedule and target pay day: will be set. Otherwise, select the first frequency to import.

  5. You must also enter the Pay period end date. This is not the pay date - it is the last day that employees worked and were paid.

  6. AWE (Average Weekly Earnings) history is extracted automatically. You need to specify which payment names are relevant in Extract AWE history from:. AWE normally includes all earnings that are subject to NI. If you have a small number of payment types, you can provide a list of the names separated by semi-colon e.g. Salary;Bonus. If you have many payments this can be tedious. Instead, you can use a shorthand for example .* will match all payments.


    Regular expression stems are a shorthand way of grouping several names using special characters. paiyroll® identifies all top-level payments for you in the help text. For convenience, you can copy/paste these values to save typing. Optionally you can then use .* to match multiple payment names - here are some examples:

    • Shift.* would match payment names Shift 1 and Shift 2 and Shift 3

    • .* would match any payment name

  7. Extract holiday pay history from: needs to be specified in a similar way to AWE. Because holiday pay should be excluded, the regular expression .* would not normally be used because it includes all names and would, therefore, include the word Holiday Pay. Ensure you match every payment name except Holiday Pay

  8. paiyroll® will create a Holiday Pay Definition for you, just provide the name you would like to use. Holiday is a suitable choice.

  9. Enter the name of salary payment type used into Extract salary history from:. This might be Salary or Directors Salary. If you do not pay a salary, then enter a regular expression that will not match for example Not_Used will not match any payments used.

  10. Enter the Pay Definition name you would like to use in Salary in Save salary history to:. e.g. Salary. If you don’t use a salary for a particular pay schedule, then enter a name you can identify and delete later like Salary (not used)

  11. Click Import files to start the import. The import may take some time to complete depending upon size. Review the log information for any messages. Once complete, a pay run is automatically started and ready in a few seconds. You should review the payslips in Documents


    If you have a second schedule to import, you will likely need to modify default values for certain Pay Definitions such as AE Schemes e.g. monthly and weekly. Before running a merge import take the following steps:

    1. Decide on a new appropriately named Pension scheme for the next import. Add a new pension scheme Pay Definition using the using the Pension scheme Pay Template. It is principally the new Scheme Definition name which is important and you you may wish to defer setting other scheme values.

    2. Change default AE scheme NEST Scheme on the AE Pay Definition to your new scheme above then click Update to ensure your new scheme name is applied to the merge import.

    Now repeat the above steps import the next schedule carefully ensuring you select the mode Merge workers with “Test company”.

The following are automatically created by the import process:

  • Company

  • Employees

  • Pay schedules

  • Pay Run

  • Workflow Definitions

  • Report Definitions

  • Payment Pay Definitions and Pay Items for all payment types from the import files.

  • Automatic Enrolment (AE) Pay Definitions, default Schemes and Pay Items

  • A Salary Pay Item is added using the most recent payment value identified for each employee. The annual salary will be correct assuming a full payment was made. If a partial or larger payment was made, e.g new starter, then this will need to be corrected.

Xero files do not include departments and therefore the import process will create a department called None. You may wish to rename the Departments with a more meaningful name.

Upload missing items

The imported companies may be missing higher level data for example Salary, Shifts etc.. The following steps are therefore required after an import to complete the payroll. Almost all of this data can be uploaded from spreadsheets. If you wish to perform multiple imports for Parallel runs, you will find it quicker to create spreadsheet files to upload. The easiest way is to create the data manually using the GUI first time, then download the data into spreadsheets when complete.

  1. Company Update all Company fields as the imported files only provide limited data. Now is a good time to rename the company.

  2. Pay Definitions:

    • Automatic-enrolment (AE) scheme. The import process creates a default NEST pension scheme. Edit and rename this scheme if required in Pay Definitions </paiyroll/paydefinition/>

    • Holiday. Set up Holidays.

    • If the Importer generated a differently named salary Pay Definition to avoid a clash with history import e.g. Salary (monthly) vs. Salary, then you can revert to the original name as follows:

      • Delete the Salary Pay Definition by confirming on the delete screen, there are no dependent Pay Items.

      • Rename the Salary (monthly) the Pay Definition to Salary

    • Reuse. Set the Reuse on each Pay Definition according to each intended usage and whether it is required to pay each pay run. There are 4 values:

      • Use indefinitely pays each pay run e.g. a recurring medical benefit that doesnt change

      • Use once, then set to zero pays once and then changes to zero e.g. a one-off bonus

      • Use once, then unset pays once and expects a new value e.g. commission that varies each month but requires a different value

      • Never prompt even if unset set manually/ infrequent e.g. annual bonus

    • Finally, delete any imported Pay Definitions that are not required which may have been created to aid the import process. For example Pay or NonTaxOrNICPmt. When deleting a Pay Definition always carefully check the descriptive text to see if there are any linked Pay Items.

  3. Pay Schedules. If the imported pay schedules do not accurately reflect your dates, navigate to Pay Schedules and Update… the schedule. You will need to clear the Enabled checkbox to disable the schedule and click Update. Now you can update the schedule with your dates and don’t forget to click Enabled before updating the correct schedule. Once this is done you must start a new pay run using Workflow Definitions and click the Start button . Delete the old payrun from Payruns by clicking Delete and Confirm deletion. The pay period dates on the pay schedule must continue from the Pay period end date set on import.

  4. Pay Items. Use the Pay Item Editor to review each employee and add any missing Pay Items such as salary, bonus etc. from your Pay Definitions. You can ensure they have the correct values by clicking Update which will generate a live payslip.

    • The import process uses heuristics and may not be 100% accurate. AE migration is also described fully in Migrate Auto-Enrolment Pension data.

    • If you have additional salary pay items, e.g. Directors Salary which were not specified on import, they will be imported using a Payment Pay Template instead of the Salary Pay Template. Replace these with a suitable salary Pay Definition.

    If you need to add multiple Pay Items, we recommend the use of spreadsheet upload files. One easy way to start is to create a single Pay Item for an employee using the Pay Item editor . Then navigate to Pay Items and then click Download… to download a payitems.csv file. The file will include all Pay Items for all employees, so be sure to delete every Pay Item except the required one. Once you have created the Pay Items, these can easily be uploaded.

    • Previous pay and tax for in-year starters must be entered or uploaded to ensure payroll is correct.

    • Enter the annual holiday entitlement and balance for the remainder of the year for each employee. See Set up Holidays for more information.

  5. A typical set of Report Definitions are provided. You should add any required.

    • HMRC RTI FPS and EPS. User ID and Password are not imported which means there is no risk of accidentally submitting data to HMRC. However, the HMRC test service is used to test each pay run together with a test receipt. When all the steps are complete, you must enter your user ID and password in FPS and EPS Report Definitions

    • Journals in Pre-approval summary2 and/or Journal files. Setup any required journals in the Pre-approval summary2 and add any journal reports e.g. Xero.

  6. Be sure to save all the data you have created in CSV files in case you need to repeat the process for each of the following views:

    • Company Setup

      • Pay Definitions

      • Report Definitions

      • Pay Schedules

      • Departments

      • Companies

    • Employees

      • Pay Items

      • Employees

    On each view, simply press the Download… button to create a file. The downloaded Pay Definition and Pay Item files will contain both system created Definitions/Items as well as the ones created in this guide. We recommend you delete system created rows.

Auto Compare pay run reports

When import is complete, you can use the automated compare capability to compare the generated pay run files such as:

  • Bank files

  • Pension provider files

  • Online submission files e.g. GB FPS or EPS

Any files in text, csv or XML formats will work.

Ensure you have your reference files ready from your existing payroll system.

  1. Go to Pay runs

  2. After making any changes, redo the pay run to refresh all the reports

  3. View View the required pay run

  4. Click on the Reports tab

  5. Click Compare

  6. Click Choose file and choose your reference file

  7. Click Upload files

After a few seconds your reference file wil be uploaded and automatically compared. On the left wil be your reference file and on the right is the generated file from paiyroll®. All difference are show in Red and Green. You can easily switch between Side-by-side and Line-by-line styles for the comparison.

Going Live

See Parallel runs.

Before the first live payroll, be sure to add credentials to any reports, e.g.:



  • Pension

P9X. If migration is at the end of a tax year, and the first pay run in paiyroll® will be in the next tax-year, you will need to create a custom pay run before running the GB PAYE tax code changer (P9X) Data Feed. This is because P9X needs to have a last approved run of a tax year before it can run.


Before you approve the first payrun, you will notice that updated RTI PayIds will be sent. This switches the information held by HMRC system from pre-imported PayIds to the new paiyroll® PayIds.

Congratulations, paiyroll® is now ready.


Employee Start dates and Bank details

This importer does not have access to employee Start dates or Bank details (Account name, Sort code, Account number). Instead, dummy values are created during import. If these fields are required, you will need to update these manually.