Handling pay run exceptions

If an exception (error) occurs during a payrun, there will usually be at least two exceptions - one or more report exception(s) and a payrun exception. Exceptions will occur for many reasons and require human administrator intervention because the software does not have the ability to determine corrective action.

  1. Carefully check the report exception logs to decide on the appropriate course of action to handle the exception. Some exceptions are report related and others are payrun related.

  2. If in doubt, contact paiyroll® support for help.

  3. Go to My tasks and handle all Report exceptions first. You should always use the defaults which is to Continue the report submission first. Only if If that does not work then select Restart the report submission.


    You must handle all report exception(s) before the payrun exception.

  4. Only when all reports have completed successfully, go to My tasks and handle the Payrun exception:

    • Usually you would select ‘Yes: Resume report submissions (any issues have been resolved)

    • In cases where the payrun needs to be corrected, select: ‘No: Disapprove the payrun so updates can be made (invalidates existing submissions)